There are many ways to get involved with Essex Pride, we need volunteers, partners and performers to put on this fantastic event.

Stall or Pitch - Food & Catering

Catering is key to serving the attendees of Essex Pride. We do regulate pricing and only commit to one vendor per cuisine, however, we are always looking for diversity in our offering.

Stall or Pitch - Non Catering

We have a range of stalls and pitches available for Charities, not for profit organisations or businesses who want to sell or showcase their products and services.

Become a Volunteer

If you are interested in volunteering this year at Essex Pride there are a number of roles and responsibilities for you to engage in. Essex Pride can only happen thanks to those that give their time to support the event.

Apply to Perform

We have two stages at Essex Pride If you would
like to perform at Essex Pride, please complete the form here, and one of our team will be in touch with you soon.

Become a Partner

Benefit from a range of options as a sponsor, from sponsoring an act an area of the Festival. Be seen by the Essex community as in inclusive, responsive and supportive partner to the LGBT+ community.